Greetings Family!
Refined 2019
This month has been busy for HDM! Shout out to everyone who came to refined. It was a success! The Lord swept through the Refined One Day Workshop on September 7th and people were transformed, wrote out dreams and visions and declared them into the atmosphere.

Beauty For Ashes
Apostle Katrina ministered through dance at the Beauty For Ashes Deliverance Conference to "Isaiah Song". My God! The Spirit of the Lord moved and people were truly ministered to through the dance.
Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.
Store Products
New things are in store. HDM now has Spray S.L.A.Y oil ! Get yours today!
Last but not least, Apostle Katrina has released her first of many books "Dances of the Supernatural" You can order you book at Click the link to order yours!
